Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Broken Camera and Yassi Benitez

Two years has passed since I press the shutter of my DSLR. I just kept it in my camera bag for one and a half years and decided to buy a dry box and store the camera there for another five months. On May 10,   I decided to take it for a snap, for obvious reasons the camera unfolds its problem. The shutter button is not as smooth as it was, the focus won't lock plus the rusty hobbyist that I am.  But as the saying goes, the shoot must go on. So here it is, My broken camera that won't focus and the FHM babe, Yassi Benitez.

The Warm Up: Shaking off my rusty self and my fungi infused camera.

I therefore conclude that it is hard to do a photoshoot with a rusty hobbyist that I was together with a broken camera plus, shooting a FHM babe who changes her pose with every click of your camera. 

Note: Marquez Fernando is my pseudonym. :)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Rocketman

The Legendary Musicman hits Manila in his one night concert. Alongside with his legendary "Elton John Band", the rocketman keeps the crowd happy all night singing his hit songs while playing the piano. Truly, it is a concert one shouldn't miss. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Autumn Fall (Shayne Dinong)

00 Shayne Dinong

The tree blushed - a rude blast of air
Betrayed a shapely bough.
My saddened heart aware
That Nature's clock was chiming,
01 Shayne Dinong

I froze upon the twelfth
Clanging tone, caught alone,
Staring at a creaking door -
Left ajar for dancing, coloured Autumn,
02 Shayne Dinong

Pirouetting in her leaves,
While agitated summer creatures
Backed away resignedly,
Sighing in protracted breves.
03 Shayne Dinon

I turned; gave company;
We stood together, watching
Summer slowly blow away.

-mark slaughter

The Brick Wall (MIcah Fernando)

Micah 0

One by one

Through the years

A wall was built

With pain and fears

Brick by brick

Micah 1
It was layed

On solid ground

Where it stayed

I tried to listen

As you spoke to me
Micah 2
Words of wisdom

And prophecy

Yet, I could not hear

Through the wall

Built with strength

Micah 3

As not to fall

Then one day

From the sky

I thought I heard

An angel cry

Micah 4

-Rene' Bennet

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tet Rodriguez


If starry space no limit knows
And sun succeeds to sun,


There is no reason to suppose
Our earth the only one.


'Mid countless constellations cast
A million worlds may be,


With each a God to bless or blast
And steer to destiny.


Just think! A million gods or so
To guide each vital stream,
With over all to boss the show
A Deity supreme.


Such magnitudes oppress my mind;
From cosmic space it swings;
So ultimately glad to find
Relief in little things.


For look! Within my hollow hand,
While round the earth careens,
I hold a single grain of sand
And wonder what it means.
Ah! If I had the eyes to see,
And brain to understand,
I think Life's mystery might be
Solved in this grain of sand.

-Robert William Service

Friday, June 18, 2010

Trough the Glass (Demi Aubrey)

Words of a poem should be glass
But glass so simple-subtle its shape
Is nothing but the shape of what it holds.

A glass spun for itself is empty,
Brittle, at best Venetian trinket.
Embossed glass hides the poem of its absence.

Words should be looked through, should be windows.
The best word were invisible.

The poem is the thing the poet thinks.

If the impossible were not,
And if the glass, only the glass,
Could be removed, the poem would remain.

-robert francis

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Baliwagenya on Binibining Pilipinas Pageant

I was able to shoot Angel Damian for her portfolio as a requirement in her application to the Bb. Pilipinas 2010 pageant. Luckily, she was chosen as one of the finalist!